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Angkor, Cambodia


Dense ancient and modern development at the heart of Angkor is shown on
this airborne radar image collected in late 1996.  Two temple complexes
are shown on the image: Angkor Wat (lower right) constructed in the
11th century and Angkor Thom, built in the 9th century (upper right).
Extensive water management structures are also shown including square
moats surrounding the temples and the large rectangular reservoir or
baray seen in the left of the image; this baray is 8 km long.  The dark
line (lower center) is the Siem Reap airport runway, which provides
tourist access to these ancient monuments.  Topographic height
information is shown in color with one color cycle (yellow to yellow)
representing 20 m of elevation change.  This information is overlain on
a radar image of the area.  The data were collected by JPL's airborne
radar system, AIRSAR. (P-49960)